JetBrainsMono: JetBrainsMono (a typeface for developers) JetBrainsMono: JetBrainsMono: JetBrains Mono's typeface forms are simple and free from unnecessary JetBrainsMono: details. Rendered in small sizes, the text looks crisper. JetBrains JetBrainsMono: Mono italic uses a 9° angle; this maintains the optimal contrast to JetBrainsMono: minimize distraction and eye strain. JetBrainsMono: 138 code-specific ligatures. To reduce noise by merging symbols and JetBrainsMono: removing details so the eyes are processing less. JetBrainsMono: A radical cut at the end of strokes fits the pixel grid better and JetBrainsMono: gives the typeface a stricter and more 'tech' personality. JetBrainsMono: