hinnant-date: hinnant-date (A date and time library based on the C++11) hinnant-date: hinnant-date: This is actually several separate C++11/C++14 libraries: hinnant-date: date.h" is a header-only library which builds upon . hinnant-date: tz.h are a timezone library built on top of the date.h library. hinnant-date: chrono_io.h is a library for streaming out chrono durations. hinnant-date: iso_week.h is a library which implements the ISO week date calendar. hinnant-date: julian.h library which implements a proleptic Julian calendar. hinnant-date: islamic.h library which implements a proleptic Islamic calendar. hinnant-date: hinnant-date: https://github.com/HowardHinnant/date